In recent years, the world of advertising has drastically changed. More and more businesses are moving towards online advertising methods like video ads due to the increased accessibility of high-speed internet and connected devices.

As a result, digital advertising spending is expected to increase in the coming years, hitting record levels in 2024. We will dive deeper into why record ad spending is expected in 2024 with video ads, especially on Connected TV (CTV).

Why Record Ad Spending Is Expected in 2024, with Video Ads (Especially on CTV)

How we consume media has changed drastically over the last decade, and advertisers have had to adapt to new technologies accordingly.

This has led to a shift towards digital ad spending and a focus on video content, which has proven to be an effective way of reaching consumers engagingly and memorably.

With the rise of connected TV (CTV), the ad industry is poised for record spending in the coming years. We’ll explore why record ad spending is expected in 2024, with a particular focus on video ads on CTV.

Breaking Boundaries: Anticipating a Record-Breaking Year for Ad Spending in 2024

The advertising industry is set to break boundaries and push ad spending limits in 2024. Based on current industry trends and projections, advertising spending is anticipated to soar to unprecedented levels, ushering in a new era of advertising dominance.

According to recent research and analysis, global ad spending is projected to reach an astounding $961 billion by 2024, a significant increase from the $557 billion recorded in 2020.

This remarkable growth can largely be attributed to the growing importance of digital advertising, which is expected to account for a whopping 66.5% of total ad spending by 2024.

Lights, Camera, Advertisements: Why 2024 Will Set a New Benchmark for Video Ad Spending

In recent years, there has been a significant shift in the marketing landscape from traditional methods to digital ones, with video advertising taking center stage. As technology continues to evolve and audiences become increasingly tech-savvy, video has become a powerful tool for advertisers to reach consumers in once unimaginable ways.

According to a recent report by eMarketer, video ad spending is projected to continue its upward trajectory, reaching $81.03 billion by 2024. This represents a significant increase from the $49.5 billion spent on video ads in 2020. This indicates that advertisers recognize video’s power in engaging audiences and driving conversions.

One of the main drivers of this growth is the explosive popularity of mobile video. With most internet users now accessing the web through mobile devices, brands increasingly turn to mobile video ads to reach their target audiences.

2024’s Advertising Blitz: The Rise and Dominance of Video Ads on CTV

In recent years, video advertising has become increasingly prevalent and effective in capturing consumer attention. As the use of connected TV (CTV) continues to rise, video ads are anticipated to dominate the advertising landscape in 2024.

By leveraging the unique capabilities of CTV, such as personalization and targeting, advertisers can reach a captive audience with engaging and relevant content.

CTV offers several advantages over traditional television advertising. For one, CTV allows precise targeting based on demographics, interests, and behavior.

Advertisers can tailor their messaging to specific audiences, resulting in higher conversion rates. CTV can provide valuable insights into consumer behavior, allowing advertisers to adjust their campaigns in real-time for optimal performance.

The Future is on Screen: Predicting Unprecedented Ad Spending on Video Ads in 2024

Video advertising has been on a steady rise recently, thanks to technological advancements, shifting consumer behavior, and the exponential growth of the digital world.

These factors have played a significant role in making video advertising one of the most powerful marketing tools that help businesses reach new audiences and generate impressive returns on investment.

According to recent predictions, the future of video advertising looks incredibly bright, with unprecedented ad spending expected to happen by 2024.

Various reports forecast that video ad spending will grow by 26% in 2021, reaching a staggering $58.5 billion, which is projected to increase over time. The projections show that the figure is expected to reach $81.0 billion by 2023, eventually skyrocketing to $118.4 billion by 2024.

The rise of CTV ads

Connected TV, or CTV, is a television set connected to the internet, providing access to digital content such as online video streaming services.

CTV ads have outperformed all other forms of video advertising regarding viewer engagement, ad recall, and purchase intent. This rise in CTV viewership has resulted in an increased demand for CTV ads by advertisers.

The growth of video advertising

Video advertising has become increasingly popular among advertisers because of its ability to capture and hold viewers’ attention.

Video advertising has been growing in popularity very quickly, and research shows that video content holds people’s attention for longer than other forms of advertising.

This growth of video advertising is driving the increase in ad spending as businesses seek to take advantage of the engagement that video ads bring.

The targeting capabilities of video ads

Targeted marketing is becoming more critical as advertisers shift towards personalized advertising.

Video advertising offers a range of targeting capabilities, including demographic data, location data, and past search history, making it an attractive method for advertisers. By better-targeting ads, businesses can maximize the impact of their advertising budget and increase their return on investment (ROI).

The convenience of online advertising

The convenience of online advertising is another contributing factor to the increase in digital advertising spend.

Online advertising enables businesses to track ad metrics in real-time, analyze customer engagement, and adjust campaigns accordingly. This level of convenience and flexibility is unmatched by traditional advertising methods like print and television commercials.

The impact of the pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the shift to digital advertising. With more people staying home and streaming digital content, businesses have had to adapt and invest more heavily in digital advertising.

The pandemic has heavily impacted traditional advertising methods, such as events and television commercials, leading to a shift in advertising budgets toward digital channels.


The world of advertising is constantly changing and evolving. As we enter the digital age, online advertising methods like video ads are becoming more popular among businesses, resulting in record ad spending in 2024.

The rise of CTV ads, the growth of video advertising, the targeting capabilities of video ads, the convenience of online advertising, and the impact of the pandemic all contribute to the rise in digital advertising spending.

As we move forward, it is clear that digital advertising will continue to play an essential role in the advertising landscape, and businesses must continue to stay ahead of the curve and invest in digital advertising channels to remain competitive.


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Published On: December 18th, 2023 / Categories: Political Marketing /

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