As we near the elections, we must do all we can to engage potential voters. One great way is by using interactive content. This type of content is especially effective because it helps capture people’s attention and gets them involved in the election process. Below are over 100 examples of interactive content you can use to help energize your audience and get them voting!

Politics can be a dry topic for some, but it’s one of the most critical aspects of our lives. This year, use interactive content to ensure you’re well-informed on all the candidates and their stances. Below are over 100 examples to help get you started.

As the elections heat up, it’s more important than ever to have engaging content to keep your audience interested. Here are over 100 interactive content examples you can use to get started. There’s something for everyone, from quizzes and polls to calculators and games! So get creative and start engaging your audience today.

What is an Interactive Content Example for Elections?

Interactive content uses in various ways, but one example is through elections. By providing interactive content, voters can get a feel for the candidates and what they stand for. It can help them make a more informed decision regarding voting.

An interactive content example for elections might be a website that allows users to register to vote online. Other examples of interactive election content could include a voting simulator, where users can learn about the candidates and choose who they would vote for, or an election map that shows results in real time as votes are agreed upon.

Interactive content can help engage people in the electoral process. By providing a forum for discussion and debate, interactive content helps inform and educate users about the issues at stake in an election. Additionally, interactive content can help people connect with others who share their political views.

To break through the negative connotation and inspire politicians to start being more transparent, we decided to rebrand them as “brainwashed citizens.”

100+ Interactive Content Examples to use during the Elections

  • Compare and contrast the policies of the two main political parties
  • Share your thoughts on who you’re voting for and why
  • Discuss what issues are most important to you when it comes to the election
  • Highlight how each party plans to address these issues
  • Share articles, videos, or infographics that support your points of view
  • Take a quiz to help you decide who to vote for
  • Participate in online discussions with other people who are interested in politics.
  • Follow political bloggers or journalists who write about the elections
  • Please share your thoughts on the candidates and their policies
  • Share exciting facts about the elections
  • Create infographics that compare different aspects of the elections
  • Poll your audience on who they are voting for and why
  • Share stories about people who have been affected by the elections
  • Debate with others about who they think will win and why
  • Who are the major donors to each candidate?
  • What is the history of each candidate’s party?
  • Compare and contrast how the two parties view different issues
  • How do voting laws vary from state to state?
  • What are some of the key races on this year’s ballot?
  • Create a quiz to test people’s knowledge of the candidates
  • Show how to vote and what to bring with you on election day
  • Share your thoughts on who you’re voting for and why
  • Highlight essential dates leading up to the election
  • Share stories about people who have been affected by the elections
  • Explain how the electoral college works
  • Offer advice on how to stay informed about the elections
  • Compare and contrast the two major political parties
  • Analyze how well each candidate is doing in the polls
  • Predict who will win the election
  • Discuss the impact of this year’s election on future elections
  • Vote on which policies you agree with
  • Share your voting results on social media
  • Discuss the election with others online
  • Follow news stories about the election
  • Please share your thoughts on the candidates and their policies
  • Explain how you plan to vote in the upcoming election
  • Discuss what you think is the most critical issue facing America right now
  • Highlight key moments from debates and speeches
  • Share exciting facts about the elections process
  • Offer advice on how to get involved in the political process
  • Share your favorite memes and jokes about the elections
  • Compare the platforms of the two major party candidates
  • Compare the policies of the two major party candidates
  • Compare how the two parties have voted in the past on critical issues
  • What are each party’s stances on immigration? The economy? Healthcare? Education?
  • Who are some notable members of each political party?
  • Compare the candidates’ biographies
  • Compare how much money each candidate has raised
  • Predict who will win the election
  • Compare the policies of the two main political parties
  • Who are the major players in this year’s election?
  • What is a swing state?
  • How does the electoral college work?
  • What are some critical issues in this year’s candidate’s campaign?
  • Compare the candidates’ stances on the issues using an interactive chart
  • Show how popular each candidate is with different demographics using an interactive map
  • Let people vote on who they think will win the election and see how other people’s votes change over time
  • Analyze poll results as they come in on election night
  • Share your thoughts on who you’re voting for and why
  • Highlight individual candidates and their stances on critical issues
  • Share interesting articles, videos, or infographics about the election
  • Ask your followers to share their thoughts on the election in a specific hashtag campaign
  • Encourage people to get out and vote on Election Day
  • Analyze the results of the election once it’s over
  • Compare and contrast the platforms of third-party candidates
  • Poll your audience on who they plan to vote for
  • Ask readers their thoughts on hot-button election topics
  • Share infographics about voter turnout in past elections
  • Highlight stories of people who have been directly affected by the elections
  • Share exciting factoids about the electoral process
  • Create a quiz testing readers’ knowledge of politics
  • Compare the biographies of the two prominent political party leaders
  • What are people’s thoughts on voting?
  • What do people think about the current state of politics in their country?
  • Polling data on different topics related to the elections
  • Create a quiz to test people’s knowledge of the candidates
  • Show how to vote and what to bring with you on election day
  • Share voting stories from people around the world
  • Highlight essential issues that will vote during the elections
  • Share infographics about how the elections work
  • Interview experts about different aspects of the elections process
  • Share videos explaining how to use voting machines
  • Share your thoughts on social media about the election with a custom hashtag
  • Create an interactive map that shows how each state is voting
  • Compare and contrast the platforms of different political parties
  • Show poll results in real-time as they come in
  • Have users vote on which issues they think are most important
  • Share exciting facts about the candidates or elections process
  • Run a liveblog of election night
  • Please share your thoughts on the candidates and their platforms
  • Highlight important voting dates and deadlines
  • Share stories about people who have been affected by the elections
  • Create infographics that compare the two candidates’ stances on key issues
  • Share videos of speeches or debates from the election season
  • Write articles about how to get involved in the elections
  • Share statistics about voter turnout in past elections
  • Poll your audience on who they’re voting for and why
  • Share infographics about the history of elections in America
  • Highlight important moments from past debates
  • Share articles about voter turnout and how to get involved
  • Create quizzes about the candidates and their policies
  • Share videos of people talking about why they’re voting
  • Host a discussion forum where people can talk about the election
  • Who do you think will win? Vote in our poll!
  • What are your thoughts on voting? Could you share the comments below?
  • How important is voting to you? Let us know in our poll!
  • Compare the policies of the two major political parties
  • Please share your thoughts on social media about the candidates and their policies
  • Create a quiz to help people learn more about the candidates
  • Poll your friends and family about their voting intentions
  • Make videos discussing different aspects of the election
  • Draw comics illustrating funny moments during the election season
  • Participate in online discussions about the elections


The election season is heating up, and we wanted to ensure you had the best tools to engage with voters. That’s why we put together this comprehensive list of interactive content examples you can use in your political campaigns.

We hope to help, and please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need help putting them into action. With just a few weeks before ballots are cast, now is the time to start ramping up your engagement strategy!

Have you tried any of these interactive content ideas? Let us know how they worked for you.

One way to get in touch is by filling out our online form on this site or give us a call at

+91 9848321284. Let’s work together today!

Published On: August 2nd, 2022 / Categories: Political Marketing /

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