There’s no doubt about it: politics is a dirty business. But in the age of social media, political campaigns have never been more critical. With the right mix of strategy and creativity, your campaign can go viral online and reach millions. Here are 100 ways to make that happen.

In the world of political marketing, going viral is the Holy Grail. A piece of content that breaks through the noise and is seen by millions of people can swing an election, raise millions of dollars, or change public opinion overnight. But what are the secrets to going viral? How do you create content that has that kind of reach and impact?

We will explore 100 ways to go viral online today. Some of these strategies are tried-and-true methods that successful campaigns have used for years. Other cutting-edge techniques are now being used in political marketing. But one thing all of these strategies have in common is that they’re proven to work.

Political Marketing Secrets: 100 Ways to Go Viral Online Today

  • Use paid advertising sparingly. Too much paid advertising can turn people off and make your campaign seem desperate. Instead, focus on organic methods of reaching potential voters.
  • Get creative with your content. People are more likely to engage with visually appealing and unique content.
  • Make sure your website is mobile-friendly. In today’s world, most people access the internet from their smartphones. If your website isn’t optimized for mobile, you’re missing an opportunity to reach potential voters.
  • Utilize social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. With over 2 billion active users, there’s no reason not to use these platforms to reach potential voters. Post engaging content regularly and interact with users to get them talking about your campaign.
  • Focus on building an email list early on in the campaign process. This will allow you to reach potential voters directly with your message without relying on costly paid advertising methods.
  • Create shareable content like infographics and videos that can be shared on social media platforms and email lists.
  • Ensure your website is easy to navigate and contains relevant information about your campaign and candidate. Potential voters should be able to find everything they need to know about you in one place.
  • Hold contests and give away prizes to encourage people to learn more about your campaign and get involved.
  • Livestream events and virtual town halls so potential voters can get to know you and ask questions in real-time without leaving.
  • Write blog posts highlighting key moments from the campaign trail or issues you feel passionate about so potential voters can get to know you.
  • Engage with potential voters directly by door-knocking or calling them on the phone (if they opt-in). People appreciate the personal touch, and it allows you to answer any questions.

Create shareable images

People love visual content, and images are some of the most shareable online content. When creating images for your campaign, ensure they’re high-quality and attention-grabbing. Use bright colors, simple designs, and clear text to make your ideas easy to understand and hard to forget.

Write catchy headlines

The headline often determines whether someone will read your article. So, it’s essential to ensure your headlines are catchy, engaging, and understandable. Avoid using jargon or insider terms that might turn off potential readers. And always test different headlines to see which ones perform the best.

Make videos

Videos are compelling content, and they’re only becoming more popular over time. If you can create engaging, informative videos about your campaign or issue, you’ll be well on your way to going viral. Ensure your high-quality videos are embedded on a website that’s easy to share.

Use social media

Social media is one significant way; posting regularly on sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram will help you reach a wider audience and build buzz around your campaign or issue. Just make sure you’re using Hashtags and tagging relevant users when you post so people can easily find your content.

Leverage influencers

Influencers have a large following online and can be powerful allies in getting your content seen by more people. If you can identify influential individuals in your community or field, reach out to them and see if they would be interested in sharing your content with their followers.

Create compelling content

If you want the audience to share your content, you must create something compelling. This means making content that is interesting, informative, and visually appealing. If your content is dull or unappealing, people will be much less likely to share it with friends and followers.

Use emotional triggers

Emotional triggers are words or phrases that evoke an emotional response in people. When people see these triggers, they are more likely to share the content with others. Some examples of emotional triggers include “amazing,” “shocking,” and “heartwarming.”

Write controversial headlines

Controversial headlines are likely to provoke an emotional reaction in people. People who see a controversial headline are more likely to click on it and read the article. However, you must be careful with this strategy, as it can backfire if the report does not live up to the headline.

Use images and videos.

Images and videos are another excellent way for people to share your content. People are much more likely to share an article or blog post if it contains an image or video. This is because images and videos are more visually appealing than text and are more likely to capture people’s attention.

Use social media sharing buttons.

If you want the audience to share your content, you need to make it simple for them to do so. The best method to do this is to add social media sharing buttons to your articles and blog posts. These buttons allow readers to quickly and easily share your content with their friends and followers on social media.

Make your content easy to read.

People are much more likely to share your content if it is easy to read. This means breaking your text into smaller paragraphs and using subheadings throughout the article.

Create compelling content

To go viral online, you must create compelling and exciting content to get people to share it. This means making content that is informative, entertaining, or both. Creating content that is simply a sales pitch will not cut it – you need to offer something of value.

Use emotional triggers

Emotional triggers are one of the best methods to get people to share your content. Emotional triggers are words or phrases that evoke an emotional response in people. When people see these triggers, they are more likely to share the content with others. Some common emotional triggers include words like “amazing,” “incredible,” and “unbelievable.”

Use visuals

Another great way to make your content more shareable is to use visuals. People are more likely to share content that contains images or videos than content that does not.

Write headlines that grab the attention.

People need to see your content first before sharing it. This means writing attention-grabbing headlines that make people want to read the rest of your article or watch your video. Headlines should be clear, concise, and engaging. Avoid clickbait headlines that make false promises or use gimmicky tactics to get clicks.

Use social media

Social media is the best way to get your content seen by a large audience. When you post your content on social media, use hashtags and tagging strategies so that as many people can see it as possible. You should also post your content when people are most likely online and scrolling through their feeds.

Partner with influencers

Another great way is to partner with influencers in your industry or niche. Influencers have a massive following of engaged fans who trust their opinion. If an influencer shares your content with their followers, you will likely see a significant uptick in traffic and engagement.

Run ads

If you want guaranteed exposure for your content, you can always run social media or Google AdWords ads. While this will cost you money, it will ensure that many people see your content.

Use social media

Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram provide a direct line of communication with potential voters. Use social media to share your message, engage with voters, and build support for your campaign.

Make a compelling video.

Videos are incredibly effective in reaching voters and getting your message across. Share your videos on social media, your website, and through email to contact as many people as possible.

Create compelling content

Content is king when it comes to political marketing. Whether writing blog posts, creating infographics, or filming videos, make sure your content is compelling and informative. If you can capture people’s attention and engage them with your content, you’ll be well on winning their support.

Build a strong brand.

Your brand sets you apart from the competition and tells voters who you are and what you stand for. When creating your brand, consider what values you want to communicate and what image you want to project. Once you have a strong brand identity, ensure all your marketing materials consistently reflect it.

Design effective graphics

Graphics are a crucial part of any political marketing campaign. From campaign logos to social media images, graphics help people remember your campaign and give it a professional look. Ensure your graphics are high-quality and reflect your campaign’s branding and messaging.

Develop an SEO strategy.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is essential for any political marketing campaign that wants to succeed online. Optimizing your website and content for search engines will make it easier for people to find your campaign when searching for information about candidates or issues online.

Advertise online

Online advertising is an effective way to reach potential voters when they spend time on the internet. Platforms like Google AdWords and Facebook Ads enable you to target specific demographics with laser precision, making it easy to ensure that people see your ads.

Use email marketing

Collect email addresses at events, on your website, or through social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram. Then, use email newsletters or automated messages to keep supporters updated on your progress and encourage them to act on your campaign’s behalf.

Fundraise Online Online fundraising has become essential for political campaigns of all sizes.


Politics is a dirty business, but in the age of social media, political campaigns have never been more critical. Your campaign can go viral online and reach millions with the right mix of strategy and creativity. These 100 tips will help you get started!

There’s no single recipe for going viral online, but some tried-and-true ingredients can help increase your chances of success. In this blog post, we explore 100 different ways to go viral today—so whether you’re looking for new ideas or need some inspiration, this post is for you! Thanks for reading!


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Published On: December 3rd, 2022 / Categories: Political Marketing /

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