Have you ever wondered how political analysts make sense of the world’s political landscape? How do they track all the players, their interests, and the power dynamics between them? One tool used for this purpose is competitive landscape analysis (CLA). This blog post will explain CLA and outline a step-by-step guide on Political Analysis.

What is Competitive Landscape Analysis (CLA)?

Competitive landscape analysis (CLA) identifies and analyzes competitors in a specific field or industry. It helps political analysts better understand the relationships between players, their interests, and the power dynamics. By understanding these factors, analysts can make more informed decisions about how best to move forward in a given situation.

Steps to Conducting Your Competitive Landscape Analysis

Identify your stakeholders

The first step in conducting CLA is to identify all relevant stakeholders. This includes any individuals, organizations, or entities that may have an interest in or influence over the case’s outcomes. Please ensure you are thorough when identifying these stakeholders; it’s essential to get as complete an understanding as possible before proceeding with further analysis.

Analyze each stakeholder

Once you’ve identified your stakeholders, it’s time to analyze each individually. Please take note of their interests, goals, strategies, tactics, strengths, and weaknesses. This step requires close attention to detail; try to look at each stakeholder from multiple angles and consider different aspects, such as leverage points or areas where they may be vulnerable.

Identify power dynamics

After analyzing each stakeholder individually, it’s time to examine how they interact with one another. Analyze the relationships between stakeholders and identify areas where power dynamics may be present (e.g., who holds more influence than others). This information can be helpful when developing strategic plans or deciding how best to move forward in certain situations.

Create a visual representation.

Create a visual representation of your findings so that you can refer to them quickly. This could be anything from simple charts or graphs to detailed maps outlining relationships between players in your competitive landscape analysis project. Visual representations can help you better process information and remember critical elements more quickly than relying solely on written notes.

Identify your competition

The first step in creating a competitive landscape political analysis is identifying your competition. Who are the other candidates running for office? What organizations or groups will be supporting them? Who will be giving donations to these candidates? Knowing who your competition is and how they operate can provide invaluable information about how you should approach your campaign strategy.

Analyze their strategies

Once you have identified your competition, it’s time to analyze their strategies. What kind of message are they using? How are they reaching out to potential voters? Are there any particular tactics that have been successful for them? By analyzing their strategies, you can gain insight into what works and doesn’t regarding campaigning in your district or state.

Develop your strategy

Once you have analyzed your competitors’ strategies, it’s time to develop your strategy. Please take what you have learned from studying their strategies and use it as inspiration for designing your plan of attack. Make sure that whatever method you develop considers weaknesses or strengths that could give you an edge in the race.

Gather information

The first step in any political analysis is gathering information. This should include any available data, such as reports on public opinion polls, voting patterns, demographics, economic indicators, and media coverage. You’ll also seek insights from experts and stakeholders who understand the political landscape. Additionally, consider any research that might be relevant to your subject matter.

Analyze the data

Once you’ve collected all your data, it’s time to analyze it. Begin by looking at the trends emerging from the data—for instance, changes in voter preferences or shifts in public opinion—and then try to identify any common themes or patterns that could be useful in making sense of the information you’ve gathered. Additionally, pay attention to any outliers or anomalies that could indicate something unexpected or noteworthy.

Identify factors at play.

Once you’ve identified relevant trends and patterns from your data analysis, it’s time to start looking for factors that may have contributed to them. Depending on your subject matter and scope of work, these factors could include anything from local events or policies to broader national or international dynamics. Create a comprehensive list to better understand what is driving change in the political landscape.

Analyze strengths & weaknesses.

Once you have all your data gathered, it’s time to begin your analysis. Start by looking at each candidate’s strengths and weaknesses compared to their opponents to get an idea of where they stand about one another. Consider factors such as name recognition, money raised, endorsements received, etc., and compare them across each candidate or party involved in the race. It will give you an idea of who has the edge over whom and which areas need improvement if they will be successful in the election.

Identify opportunities & threats.

Now that you have analyzed each candidate’s strengths and weaknesses compared to their opponents, it’s time to look at any potential opportunities or threats that could arise during the election cycle. Consider external factors such as changes in public opinion or policy shifts that could affect how people vote or which candidate they support. By identifying potential opportunities or threats, you can better prepare yourself for unexpected developments.

Understand the political environment in which you are operating

This step is critical in understanding the competitive landscape for your business. The political climate can significantly impact businesses, and it is essential to be aware of the potential risks and opportunities that may arise. Political risk analysis is a tool that can be used to assess the impact of political factors on businesses.

Identify your competitors

To create a competitive landscape analysis, you must first identify your competitors. This can be done by conducting market research and using tools such as SWOT analysis. Once you have placed your competitors, you can assess their strengths and weaknesses.

Analyze your strengths and weaknesses.

After identifying your competitors, you must analyze your strengths and weaknesses to develop a successful strategy. You can do this by conducting a SWOT analysis of your own business. A SWOT analysis will help you identify your company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Develop a competitive advantage.

Once you have analyzed your company’s strengths and weaknesses, you must develop a competitive advantage. It can be done by offering products or services that are unique to your company or by targeting a specific niche market.

Create a marketing plan.

Once you have developed a competitive advantage, you must create a marketing plan to promote your products or services. Your marketing plan should include objectives, strategies, and tactics to help you achieve your desired results.

Implement your plan

After you have created your marketing plan, you need to implement it to achieve your desired results. This includes developing an implementation schedule and budget and assigning responsibility for each task.

Evaluate your results

After implementing your marketing plan, it is essential to evaluate the results to determine whether or not it was successful. It can be done by conducting market research and analyzing sales data.

Define the Issue

The first step in creating a competitive landscape political analysis is defining the issue you will address. It may be a specific policy issue, such as healthcare reform, or a more general issue, such as the economy. Once you have defined the case, you must identify the stakeholders involved. These may be individuals, groups, or organizations with a vested interest in the case’s outcome.

Gather information

The next step is to gather information about the issue and the stakeholders involved. It may include reading news articles, conducting interviews, or attending public hearings. Getting as much information as possible is essential to develop a well-rounded understanding of the issue.

Analyze the information

Once you have gathered all the information, it is time to start analyzing it. It may involve looking at trends, identifying key players, and assessing strengths and weaknesses. This step aims to clearly understand how the issue is being played out in the political arena.

Develop strategies

After you have analyzed the information, you can start developing strategies to address the issue best. It may involve developing messaging that resonates with voters, identifying key swing states, or developing targeted ad campaigns. The goal is to create a plan that will help you achieve your desired outcome on the issue.

Implement the plan

Once you have developed your plan, it is time to implement it. It may involve working with other stakeholders, such as campaign managers or media consultants. It is essential to ensure that everyone involved in the process knows the plan and their role in executing it.

Evaluate progress

As you implement your plan, you must evaluate your progress and periodically adjust as needed. It may involve modifying your messaging or targeting new audiences. The goal is to ensure that your plan is on track and that you are making progress toward your desired outcome.

Adjust as needed

As you implement your plan and evaluate your progress, there may be times when you need to make adjustments. It may involve changing your strategy or adding new elements to your project. The goal is to ensure that your project remains flexible and that you can adapt as needed to achieve your desired outcome.


Competitive landscape analysis is a powerful tool for political analysts who want an in-depth understanding of their environment before deciding how best to proceed in any given situation.

By identifying key players and analyzing their interests, goals, strategies, and tactics—as well as any power dynamics that may exist—analysts can gain valuable insights into how things work within their particular field or industry that would otherwise remain hidden beneath the surface level view offered by traditional analyses alone.

With this new knowledge, they can use it as part of their decision-making processes going forward!

To be an effective political campaigner, you must understand the playing field that you’re working in.

That’s why it’s essential to do a competitive landscape analysis (CLA).

A CLA will help you identify your campaign’s strengths and weaknesses and the opportunities and threats your opponents pose.

It is important to remember that a CLA is not a static document—it should be revisited and updated regularly as the campaign progresses and new information arises.

Political Campaign Consulting can guide you through every step of conducting a CLA for your campaign so that you can make informed decisions about how to allocate your resources.


Call: +91 9848321284

Email: [email protected]

Published On: December 28th, 2022 / Categories: Political Marketing /

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