If you’ve been online in the past few months, you’ve seen someone trolling or spamming political posts on social media. It can be frustrating, and it’s hard to know how to deal with them.

I’m going to share some tips on how to deal with political and social media trolls and spammers, as well as how to protect yourself from them. So read on, and stay safe!

If you have been using social media in the last few months, chances are you’ve come across a political, social media troll. For some unknown reason, these seem to take pleasure in causing discord and anger on social media platforms.

What is Political Social Media Trolling?

Political social media trolling is when people use the Internet to spread false information about political candidates.

Trolling is a way to express opinions on social media. It’s been done for years in video games, but it’s now used more often in politics and government.

Political Social Media Trolls use social media to inflict harm on others.

Political Social Media Trolling uses social media to disrupt political discourse and create discord among voters. It’s also known as “agitprop” or “agitation propaganda.”

Political Social Media Trolling is a discourse in which people use social media platforms to incite, inflame, or exacerbate political conflict and tension through misleading information.

Political Social Media Trolling is when a person or group uses social media to make the public aware of political events and issues.

Political social media trolling is when a person or organization takes advantage of the political climate by using misleading information to fool users into believing something false.

What is a troll, and what are their intentions

Trolls are those people who like to get a rise out of you. They often post comments that seem like they’re being friendly and helpful but have an ulterior motive.

A troll is something that comes into a discussion to provoke adverse reactions. They do this by posting provocative content with the intent of angering others.

Trolls are nothing but people who post inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community.

How to deal with trolls who attack you or your political party

Ignore them. They’re just upset that you have a different opinion than they do. Ignoring them will stop their trolling, but report the abuse to your Internet service provider and block them on social media or email if it doesn’t.

The best way to deal with trolls on social media is not to respond. If you do, it will only encourage them and their friends. The next time you see a troll tweet or status update, ignore it and move on.

Try not to engage with them. If they’re causing a problem, report them on the service you’re using and block or mute their accounts.

You should not respond to trolls because the Internet is extensive, and many people will point out how rude or stupid they are.

If you see someone who is trolling, or if someone searches you, block them. If that doesn’t work, report the person to an online forum moderator and stop them.

Listening to people who have different opinions than us is the significant thing to dealing with them. We can only understand their feelings about any topic and solve our differences through an open dialogue.

Ways to deal with Political Social Media Trolls and Spammers

  • Identify the type of spammer you are dealing with
  • Understand their motives and what they want from you
  • Keep in mind that most spammers are looking to make money, not friends
  • Consider why someone would spend time trolling on your social media page
  • Decide whether or not you want to block them
  • Respond appropriately – if they’re being abusive, report them; if they’re trying to sell something, tell them no thank you; if they’re spreading misinformation about a topic important to you, ask for details so you can research it yourself.
  • Please ignore them
  • Block them
  • Report spam to the social media platform’s administrators
  • Report abuse to the social media platform’s administrators
  • Engage with their comments in a way that will make them feel embarrassed by what they have done and discourage others from doing it again
  • Keep your temper under control – don’t let yourself get so angry or frustrated that you lash out at the person, either online or offline
  • Know what you’re talking about
  • Address the issue at hand, not the person
  • Be polite and professional
  • Ignore them if they keep bothering you
  • Report abuse on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc…
  • Block or unfollow them on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc…
  • Don’t feed the trolls.
  • Block them on social media and delete their comments
  • Report spam accounts to Facebook or Twitter if they are impersonating you
  • Use a VPN to protect your personal information while browsing the Internet
  • Turn off all notifications from social media platforms so that you can focus on what’s important in life, not just on the opinions of others
  • Stay away from political discussions with people who disagree with you – it will only make things worse for both parties
  • Change your privacy settings to keep strangers out of your posts and profile pictures
  • Please create an account specifically for politics so that it doesn’t affect your central performance (email address, phone number)
  • Delete any messages containing racial slurs
  • If someone says something racist about Hillary Clinton, don’t argue back
  • If someone sends you a link to an article with false information, send them this article instead
  • Be mindful of how much time you spend reading articles about politics
  • Block their content and delete any emails from them
  • Report their posts to the social media site’s administrator or police if they are threatening you
  • Don’t engage with them at all – don’t like, share, or comment on anything that they post
  • Engage in a dialogue with them about how wrong it is for anyone to threaten others online and ask if there is anything else you can do to help them feel better
  • Report their account to the website’s admin/police posting graphic images of violence against people who have nothing to do with politics.
  • Ignore them and delete any spam messages
  • Report their posts to Facebook or Twitter as inappropriate or abusive
  • Block them on social media sites so they can’t contact you anymore
  • Use a variety of security measures on your social media accounts, such as two-factor authentication and strong passwords
  • Change your privacy settings to limit who can see your profile information and what content you share with others.


Social media is the only world of political campaigning and voter engagement. Unfortunately, this also means it can be challenging to navigate the social sphere without coming across trolls and spammers who want nothing more than to derail your campaign or business. Luckily, our team is here for you!

We offer marketing consulting services tailored specifically for those in the political arena and other industries, such as digital marketing firms. Reach us today if you need help with anything, from building an effective campaign strategy to dealing with trolls on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, etc.

One way to get in touch is by filling out our online form on this site or give us a call at +91 9848321284. Let’s work together today!

Published On: December 13th, 2021 / Categories: Political Marketing /

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